Mrs. Maull nominated Mrs. Fender for Teacher of the Week. Mrs. Maull states, “She is a very lovable person. She is a great leader that likes to get things accomplished. She will go out of her way to help a student that is in need. She requires the best for her students and will hold them up to that standard too. She is a great person to have on your team. That’s why I nominate Mrs. Fender for Teacher of the Week.”  Congratulations Mrs. Fender!

For the next week, Mrs. Fender nominated Mr. Jarvis as the Teacher of the Week. She stated “I nominated Mr. Jarvis for Teacher of the Week. Mr. Jarvis greets everyone with a smile and a friendly hello. He works hard for his students and does a job that only a few can. He goes out of his way to make sure his students are cared for. He believes in them and works very hard to make sure they are reaching their potential everyday. His students are lucky to have him and we are lucky to have him at Wallace.”  Congratulations Mr. Jarvis!