Fourteen Lowe’s Distribution Center employees have begun volunteering at Frances Corprew Elementary School as part of a program they call the “Corprew Cub Crew”. The Lowe’s employees will be coming to Corprew once a week to eat lunch with a 3rd grade student or to help a 4th grade student with homework and mentoring.

Seven of the Lowe’s volunteers are eating lunch with a 3rd grader and seven are coming at 2 p.m. to work with a 4th grader on homework. All 14 are also serving as mentors for the Corprew students.

“Lowe’s came to us and wanted to volunteer on our campus,” said Corprew Assistant Principal Amanda Jones. “This is an awesome opportunity for Corprew students and will make a positive impact on the community. We are so grateful to these Lowe’s employees for wanting to be involved with our students.”

Pictured: Lowe’s Distribution Center employees meet with some of the students they will be working with.